Starting off the season strong, the Maverick Boys’ Hockey team defeated the Northmen of Petosky, with an impressive score of 7-3 on Friday, Nov. 18.
More recently, Milford defeated both the Walled Lake Central Vikings, and the Walled Lake Northern Knights. The games were close, but the guys triumphed over both teams. With these wins, Milford has started off this promising season 6-1.
Last year, the Milford Hockey team finished off their season very well, so it is no surprise they have been doing so good this season. Team captain and Senior, Micheal Pobur, is leading the team to victories with his outstanding leadership and great skills on defense. An important part of the team, of course, is the goalie. Junior Tony Bima is Milford Varsity’s lead goalie, and holds strong when the team is down on penalties and clears the puck.
At the Walled Lake Central game, a rowdy fan yelled offensive comments to the players on the ice, trying to get a rise out of them. Things can get personal in these kinds of games, and when opposing fans get slightly ridiculous, it can really irritate the players. “When individual fans start trying to antagonize us,” Explained Bima, “they don’t realize that all they’re doing is motivating us to try harder.”
Forwards like Junior Dominic Bates, and Junior Kyle Hamilton, were motivated and aggressive at the Walled Lake Central game. All of the guys who play forwards, shoot at every opportunity they are given, and none of them lack drive.
When Milford Varsity attacks the goal, Senior Sami Murad links up the play with direct passes creating openings for attempted shots and goals. The much anticipated game against Lakeland isn’t until Jan 21. All students and parents are encouraged to attend to show support for the guys.
The guys Hockey team atMilfordproved itself by starting the season off 6-1, with both a strong defense, and talented offense.