Originally a comic book series, The Walking Dead has become one of the most popular shows on national television. Created by Frank Darabont, the show has built its success based on its story line with characters who are attempting to survive blood thirsty zombies.
The Walking Dead, which can be found at 9 p.m. Sundays on AMC, tells the stories of people who are living during a zombie apocalypse. This show brings in a new viewpoint on the survivors who are escaping death with whatever weapons they can find. The show focuses on past feelings and fears that affect the characters day-to-day decisions. This show focuses on how close the characters are and how long each individual can survive as this epidemic continues.
The show follows Former Sheriff Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln), his wife Lori Grimes (Sarah Wayne Callies), and a group of strangers who are sticking together to survive waves of zombies in Georgia. Each person has something to contribute to the show’s episodes. Rick Grimes is a sheriff and has natural leadership skills and, not to mention, has years of experience with trauma and firearms. Each character is different, but must work together through the difficult times.
The show bases itself on the positive and negative sides of people when faced with danger. At every turn they are faced with the horror of the walking zombies, the changing dynamic of their group, and focus on their own survival now that the structures of society have collapsed. How the characters handle themselves makes the series one the most watched television programs on TV.
For example, a character named Meryl receives information that his long lost brother has been found in a nearby city. The problem Meryl faces is that he is currently living in a healthy, non-zombie, walled off city of 60+, and isn’t sure if he should leave to find his brother. This type of dillema makes the show interesting.
The third season is being reviewed positively by critics, receiving an “Awesome!” from 82 out of 100 at screenrant.com. Verne Gay of Newsday claims that season 3 “doesn’t disappoint”, going on to say that there are “spots where you will yell out at the screen saying things like “Oh, my God, that just didn’t happen.”
Season 2 brought in a staggering 7.2 million viewers. Season 3 started on Sunday Oct. 14 and had a whopping 10.8 million viewers. Not only is this television series taking the hearts of people around the globe and should continue to be a success.