‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ causes intense debate
Left to Right: junior Ashley Morin vs senior Ivan Ginsbach
March 8, 2018
by Robert Knight
Staff Writer
Caution: This review has spoilers
Ever since “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” was released on Dec. 15th, Star Wars fans have been split down the middle of the newest installment in the trilogy.
“The Last Jedi” had a new director Rian Johnson, following the previous director of “The Force Awakens, J.J Abrams”, and its the longest Star Wars movie, clocking in at 2 hours and 32 minutes.
As of Feb. 15, 91 percent of critics on Rotten Tomatoes have given the film a favorable review, but the audience score is only at 48 percent, which is the lowest score for a Star Wars movie on RottenTomatoes.com ever.
Some have wondered if the users were bots, submitting multiple reviews, but just asking many students and Star Wars fans, it is clear the movie has generated a mixed reaction.
There were moments that were awe inspiring, funny, whimsical (shocking), and action-packed, but just how many fans liked and disliked the film?
Milford High School Star Wars club members, senior Ivan Ginsbach and junior Ashley Morin, demonstrate the polarization of the fan reaction well.
Opening Sequence
Morin said the opening scene, which features the rebels fleeing the base on D’qar, while Poe distracts the First Order, sets the tone for a disappointing film.
“The entire opening sequence with Poe Dameron’s prank call was painful to watch,” she said. “I didn’t laugh whatsoever. This guy is supposed to the terrifying, psychopath driving force of horrifying New Order. He was reduced to a tantrum-throwing toddler.”
Ginsbach said he liked the film even though its plot was different than expected.
“I thought the opening scene was great. The humor was a little dragged out, but other than that I loved the battle of D’qar,” he said.
Luke Skywalker returns
“The Last Jedi” follows right after “The Force Awakens,” and shows audiences the interactions between Rey and Luke on Acho-To island.
“The best part was Mark Hamill, [and] seeing him back as Luke Skywalker,” said Ginsbach. “He was one of my favorite characters as a kid and still is.”
“Luke tossing the lightsaber was an unexpected introduction to his new persona following Return of the Jedi,” said Ginsbach.
Morin thought the legendary character was nothing like his depiction in previous films.
Princess Leia’s Flight
One of the most controversial scenes occurs when Princess Leia’s ship is destroyed and she is blown out into space.
Some fans thought that was how she was going to die in the movies, seeing how she had passed during the filming of Episode 8. But she survived, floating towards the rest of the ship.
“I have a problem with the continuity of Leia and her powers-Leia has been confirmed to be force sensitive, for argument sake what does this mean?” asked Morin.
According to Wookieepedia, “Force-sensitives possessed a precognitive ability, making their reflexes faster than others. With proper training, Force-sensitives could learn to consciously sense and manipulate that energy, which gave them special powers.”
What all of this means is that in the scene in which she was blasted into the vacuum of space, Leia could not have used the force to pull herself toward the ship to save herself.
“This means that she received no training from Luke because Leia wanted to focus her attention toward the rebellion. So this scene according to the canonicity of Star Wars is impossible and if they don’t follow-through on past decisions then it’s just bad storytelling. It’s not a reason to hate the film alone, but nonetheless I felt it was a flaw of the film,” exclaimed Morin.
Ginsbach conceded the point, somewhat, but ultimately likes the mystery of the force that the film discusses.
“Leia’s space scene was not that good, but I like the fact she can manipulate the force,” said Ginsbach.
New Characters
One of the new intriguing characters is Rose, a resistance mechanic who ends up taking a much bigger role when she goes on a journey to find a master code breaker on Canto Bight.. During the journey, Rose, develops love between Finn.
“I did not like the romance between Finn and Rose, and I feel the cantina scene was too dragged, could’ve of been a little shorter.” Ginsbach says, about the chemistry between the two characters on their mission.
“Rose was a good concept but overall not a great character. Finn dying on Crait would’ve been a perfect end to his character, and brought a darker tone to the movie.” Ginsbach concludes.
In this case scenario both debaters agree on Rose’s failure as a character.
“Rose Tico in my opinion is the worst character in all of Star Wars,” exclaims Morin. “Rose slams herself into Finn, and when he goes over to help her. She kisses him and revealed that she loved him the whole time! Then she gives this statement “That’s how we’re going to win. Not fighting what we hate. Saving what we love.”
Supreme Leader
Earlier, Rey decided to go on the Supremacy, Snokes ship, to turn Kylo back to the light. “I think Snokes death was well done and it really puts Kylo/Ben in a tough spot, ruling the galaxy and all; I really liked the Rey and Kylo dynamic.” said Ginsbach.
“[Snoke] parallels the emperor, and without the prequels, he was just a nobody like how we saw the emperor in the first three films. My problem with Snoke in the previous film built up Snoke to be a terrifying, unspeakably powerful evil horror who would outstrip even Darth Vader or Palpatine. He did preset an amazing force ability by bridging Rey and Kylo’s minds together. However then he dies at the drop of the hat, so now the only point to his character was to seem cool, but die in the most underwhelming way,” Morin stated.
Character Fates
At the end of the film Luke uses a unique force power and is able to project himself anywhere in the galaxy, dying in the process.
“I think he should’ve stuck around for another movie.” Ginsbach says, about his favorite character.
“I thought it was okay I guess, just very underwhelming, “recalled Morin..
“The film had stories that never climaxed, they plateaued and fell flat on their face. They built up characters in the last film and to most of them, most of the villains, Phasma, Snoke and Hux were made menacing but as if cursed by the Disney fairy, they all became caricatures. Not only that, but including characters that were overall seemingly irrelevant to the plot of the movie…[T]his film spent its time leading up to big surprises so much it shot itself in the foot and never followed through,” exclaimed Morin.
The Conclusion
“Overall I think the movie is by no means the best Star Wars movie to date, but it’s a fine [ it’s just an] addition to the franchise,” Ginsbach said,
Wrapping up the whole film after seeing it, and if it led him wanting for more in episode 9.
“Absolutely, the first thing I did was turned to my friend and asked “I need episode 9 now.”” Ginsbach excited to see what the next movie in the saga has to offer.
“No, because J.J has to pick up Rian Johnson’s mess, I feel so much pity for that man.” Morin says.
Ginsbach has seen the Last Jedi 8 times. “ I needed to see it 8 times, it makes sense.” He says.
“I saw it 3 times, [the] 2nd time I wanted to leave the theatre, because I was so un-entertained” said Morin. ”I recommend so many movies, and this is a movie I would say its not worth your time,” she concludes.
“Absolutely” Ginsbach says. In the end, there are pro’s and con’s to any movie, and the only way to see if you know you like it is to go see for yourself.

A poster of the Star Wars Movie.

The score of every Star Wars movie released.

Star Wars Club.