Quite a marvelous film, indeed!
May 29, 2018
The Avengers Infinity War made the biggest growth opening weekend at $257,698,183. Rotten Tomatoes score has a 84% ‘Tomatometer’, and audience score of 93% currently.
There is no doubt that the latest Marvel installment is highly successful. The movie brought in many Marvel characters we know and love, including “The Avengers,” ”The Guardians Of The Galaxy,” “Doctor Strange,” “Spider Man,” “Black Panther,” and the well known and anticipated villain Thanos, who wields the infinity Gauntlet, and strives to get every infinity stone to wipe out half the universe.

The first Marvel Cinematic Universe movie was created on May 2nd, 2008, with the release of the first “Iron Man.” Ever since, 17 movies have been released leading up to “Avengers Infinity War,” and now in 2018 marks a decade of cinematic brilliance.. Marvel Studios has done an excellent job building up the climax for this Infinity War, yet still leaves you wanting more, questioning what happened. Those who went to see the movie are theorizing about the ending, and the fates of beloved characters. Personally I didn’t see any plot holes.
Infinity War picks up right where the “Thor Ragnarok” end credit scene leaves you. I would recommend seeing “Captain America Civil War,” and “Thor Ragnarok” before seeing this film if you haven’t. “Doctor Strange,” “Spiderman Homecoming,” “Black Panther,” “Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 1” and “Vol. 2” would also be splendid movies to familiarize yourself with the characters if you haven’t. If you have only seen the first “Iron Man,” and first “Avengers,” I would not recommend you see this because so much has changed since then. Beware of spoilers from social-media and other platforms that you use as you may be scrolling and end up somewhere you wish you stopped before. To This movie, there is one end credit scene that you don’t want to miss.
I give “Avengers Infinity War” an 8/10. I like how the characters interact with each other, Iron Man and Drax, Rocket and Bucky, the jokes, the stressful parts, the serious parts, and the intense parts when Thanos is trying to gather all the infinity stones. There were parts I was not expecting, and some clips in the trailers didn’t make it into the movie, or if they did it was slightly different. However, I give it an 8 because some people aren’t too happy with cliffhangers in movies, and this one’s a major example. The creators did a robust ending that will make this movie the talk of the town, and keep it alive for more years to come, especially with Avengers 4 approaching May 3rd, 2019.
I would definitely recommend seeing this movie, if you’re a fan, and if you have seen the other movies, you will surely like this one. The Milford Cinema, Emagine Novi, and MJR are fine theatres to see this in.