In high school, teenage girls love to have the best looking and most popular boyfriend. Although, most of the time these types of guys are just plain fools. Here are some signs to know he is not right for you:
• You don’t respect each other – if he puts you down in front of your friends or if you roll your eyes at him every time he talks, the relationship will not work out and should probably be ended.
• He makes you feel bad about yourself – why would you want to be with someone who doesn’t make you feel pretty, funny and special?
• He’s untrustworthy – if you can’t trust him then don’t stay with him, you’ll just end up hurt in the end anyways.
• If your friends don’t like him or if he doesn’t like your friends – if this is the situation, two possible things could happen: you will fight every time either person is with his or her friends; or either of you will stop being with your friends for the other person, which is a huge mistake because the social aspect of high school should involve hanging out with friends.
• If he is emotionally or verbally abusive – if there is yelling, name-calling, or he puts you down, it will only get worse from there and the relationship should end to save yourself some respect.
• You’re not attracted to him – if you don’t think he’s cute and repulses you every time he tries to kiss or hug you, you should think about ending the relationship.
• You have a list of reasons of what he needs to stop doing/saying/writing – if you have more reasons why you hate him than reasons why you like him, then there is something wrong and you should look for someone that is more your type and that you actually like.
• If he doesn’t show any emotion at all – if he doesn’t show any emotion whatsoever (doesn’t kiss you, talk to you, hug you, etc.) he may not be that into you.
• If he changes his personality – if he has one personality at school or with others and a different personality when you’re alone with each other, this may not be good in the long run.
• If he doesn’t respect his mom – if this guy doesn’t treat his mother with the utmost respect, he’ll end up treating you the same way, no matter how he acts in the beginning.
Sometimes the phrase “love is blind” turns out to be 100 percent true in high school relationships, especially when it comes to not realizing your man is unfaithful.
“Don’t stay with someone who cheats,” said Junior Christin Schultz. She also said one should not become dependent on a high school sweetheart. In many cases it’s hard to step out of a relationship, but it should be done for the sake of your own feelings and the humiliation of being cheated on.
If he’s not going to be with you, and only you, then he doesn’t deserve to be with you. When looking for a relationship make sure to know exactly what the guy you’re after is really like, and doesn’t have a history of cheating, and lying which may be a dead giveaway he’s not the one for you.
“[Make sure you’re] looking for the qualities you like,” said Junior Christy Carline, who has been in a successful relationship for more than a year now. High school relationships can get tough with peer pressure lurking around every corner.
Sometimes friends can be extremely helpful with relationship advice or even breakups, although, there is always the time when you may get pressured into a relationship you might not even want.
“Date who you want to date, not because your friends want you to,” said Dean of Students Ed Collins.
If a relationship is all you want in high school you may want to think again. Dating can be fun for a while, but if it gets to the point where you have no other friends due to the fact you’re with your boyfriend all the time it could be time to change the routine. Some students feel that the time spent on relationships in high school makes them unwanted. “Stay out of relationships [all together],” Junior Nate Hiney said
Sometimes it’s better to go solo rather than having a significant other.
“Don’t make high school relationships so important,” said Junior Drew Burrow. High school is all about meeting new people and being with your friends day and night, but if you are doing the daily routine of: school, homework, boyfriend, bed time, you’re missing out on a big chunk of your childhood.
“Make sure you keep your life,” said e2020 teacher Jamie Ewing. “Don’t change it for the other person.”
If you are afraid of ending the relationship due to an abusive boyfriend or feel trapped, there is always help out there. If a relationship you’re in has taken a turn for the worse, “be as eager to end a bad relationship as you are to start a new one,” said Collins.