The MME and ACT testing is a stressful time for juniors at Milford High School. The preparations are beginning with the bubbling “party”Wednesday February 15, 2012. The seniors of 2012 have tips.
One common idea among teachers and students is study. It can possibly be difficult to study for a test that a student does not know what exactly will be covered, for this students can go over basic concepts from various classes and ideas that have been covered throughout school.
Senior Kathie Zarish said to “make sure you cover all areas.” The seniors have tons of advice for students preparing to take the test. “The test booklets from the office can help,” said Zarish.
Senior Deanna Brandell, who received a perfect score on her ACT has words of advice. She had already taken the test before the three day testing process of the MME, which she said, “made [her] more comfortable” going into the test.
According to Brandell the testing went from easy to hard as it went on. At the beginning she said the test was simple making a reference, “The meeting starts at 5 pm. What time does the meeting start?” Going into the MME she was more relaxed and had not done much to prepare, but for the ACT she said she had done online questions for practice.
According to, going to the bathroom before taking a test can help improve scores, helping the student focus on the test rather than other things. also recommends bringing a watch to the test to keep yourself on a schedule so as not to run out of time and to answer all the questions. says you must stay relaxed and confident, a common thing to help is telling yourself that you know the subjects and that you are prepared. Another thing that helps do well on tests is reading the directions carefully to avoid making careless mistakes and lowering your score.
Another thing that can help improve a test score is focusing on individual questions and quickly going over the ones you know and leaving yourself more time on the ones you are unsure about, according to
Having a full meal before taking a test is proven to improve test scores, having an empty stomach is just another thing to distract a student from the test they are taking. Students should eat a good breakfast the day of a test says
Senior Jordan Plunske agrees, eat breakfast the day of the test. He also advises, “When you go into the ACT dress comfy, wear layers, if you are cold then you will lose your train of thought.”
When going into the MME and ACT remember to tell yourself you are prepared. Stay confident and relaxed throughout the testing process. According to Brandell taking the test multiple times increases your comfort and the ease of the test. Remember the ACT can be easy and helpful as long as you are prepared. Zarish said as a final piece of advice, “ACT classes can help, you can learn all the strategies from there, although they can be expensive they are worth the money.”
The Michigan Department of Education offers a link to pages where you can get help and take classes on their website,,1607,7-140-22709_35150—,00.html.