Huron Valley Schools Push for the New Millage
April 23, 2015
The Huron-Valley-Schools-staff-and-students are fighting to save their pride in their school through supporting the millage to improve facilities. Around the district you can find orange signs detailing what exactly needs fixing. “The purpose of the signs is that it is more effective than just putting things in a list” said assistant principal Eric Dziobak. The signs highlight the great number of issues in the schools.
The $2.5 million mill facility proposal is for a 10-year period and will approximately generate $5.7 million annually. The revenues generated by the millage will impact ALL 16 of Huron Valley’s schools as they are required to stay in Huron Valley. The revenue generated can only be used for school roofing, paving,security, and mechanical and electrical systems. By law the revenues cannot be used for the benefit of school employees or for new construction.
“The things that we need are not luxury they are necessity.” said Dziobak. Jobs such as replacing damaged portion of roof cannot wait, Milford High School as other schools needs to be fixed not upgraded. “Jim Baker says the money is going to come from somewhere,” said Dziobak. “It could be programs or extracurricular activities.”
The state has proposed to raise the sales tax by 1% up for a vote in the same election. People associate the state proposal 1 with our local millage and then become opposed to both the millage and proposal 1. Consider the proposal and our local millage as two separate ideas and should be voted on accordingly.
The millage would cost about 68¢ per day or $250 annually for a homeowner whose house values $200,000. It is a “Long-range to maintain our buildings and protect the investment that’s been made. I’m confident our residents understand that strong schools equals strong communities and healthy property values.” said superintendent Jim Baker in a letter he wrote to voters found at The vote on the new facilities millage will take place on tuesday, May 5th from 7am till 8pm.