Assistant Principal Butler returns “home”
After being at Oak Valley middle school for four years, Ms. Butler is back at Milford High School.
September 30, 2016
Returning back to us here at Milford is Assistant Principal Michele Butler. She previously worked here before being transferred over to Oak Valley Middle School in the fall of 2013, where she was a principal. Most of the current students at Milford didn’t even know that she was transferred back this fall in place of Mr. Eric Dziobak, who went to help out at Oak Valley. While the students may be different here, Butler feels comfortable back at MHS.
“It never felt like I left,” said Ms. Butler. “This is home to me.” Butler was welcomed back right away; no surprise there, as everyone here at Milford is so welcoming. Her co-worker, assistant principal Seth Taboh, was excited to have her here at Milford to help him do all the rigorous administrator duties.
¨She’s done all great things so far and a lot of it is unnoticed work.” Taboh said. “She does a lot of the behind the scenes work including making documents, setting meetings, and making a schedule to stay on track.¨
Butler said it has been a very easy transition because she loves the teachers and faculty members and the warm welcome they have provided her with.
“I’m just going to support the change that has occurred and hope I can get done what I need to,” said Butler when asked about the changes she was going to make. The hardest part for Butler is the time change on getting up earlier for the start of school and having to manage her time and the building wisely.
“It’s a lot different coming from a middle school to a high school atmosphere,” she said. “All the people, the crowds, the language. It’s all something to get used to.”
Taboh would agree that some part of this transition was hard at first, and that Dziobak’s being his “right hand man” helped him along the way. When asked about losing Dziobak all Taboh said was: ¨It was tough, but the best decision looking at the big picture.¨
The only thing Butler was really upset with the change was, missing the kids. These kids at Oak Valley that she has been able to see grow up in the past years and impact her life is something she will never forget and hopes to one day see some of them here at Milford High School.