AP Environmental class looks to make MHS “Evergreen”

October 7, 2016
Milford High School uses 1.6 million sheets of paper per year.
Science Teacher Stephanie Crow and her 124 AP Environmental Science students would like to reduce that number by 20 percent.
Milford is an official Michigan Green School and is currently at the “Emerald” level, which is the second level out of three in the Michigan Green School system.Crow and her AP Environmental Science classes hope to move up to the “Evergreen” level within the year and need your help to do so.
Crow asks, “Everyone to lessen their paper usage with more non-paper options to help with this process.”
To move up the levels, the AP Environmental Science classes had to partake in more environmentally friendly practices, such as recycling the whole building’s paper, plastic, and other recyclables once a week.
“I love being able to walk around and collect all the recycling and see how much plastic and paper Milford uses,” Junior Koryn Pennebaker comments.
The class also provides information on how the school itself can run more efficiently and be more environmentally friendly.
These are all things that the class has to do in order to keep up its Michigan Green Schools recognition. The class must complete 10 total activities in at least two of four categories of either recycling, energy, environmental protection, or miscellaneous. To stay on the “Emerald” level that MHS, the students need to continue 15 activities.To move up to an “Evergreen” level, Milford’s AP Environmental Science classes needs to participate in 20 environmentally friendly activities.
“I’m excited for the upcoming changes that I get to participate in and I’m really excited to learn our effect on the environment and what we can do to help,” Senior class member Natalie Herrington said.
Milford can be an evergreen school, but the class needs your help to limit paper usage in any way possible. Crow thanked students who are already part of the initiative and for the others, it’s never too late to start helping.
The AP Environmental students will be around every other week to pick up recycling to reach its evergreen goal. They must limit Milford’s paper usage to 1.2 or less sheets this year. The AP Environmental Science students are working tirelessly alongside Crow to help make Milford High School one of the most environmentally friendly schools in Michigan.