Could virtual learning be the end of snow days?
Photo Courtesy of Roberto Acosta and Bob Johnson,
With the unpredictable nature of Michigan winters, snow days often lead to numerous academic setbacks in the snowy months.
October 1, 2020
With everything happening in the world, it’s safe to say students are left wondering what this could mean for them regarding day-to-day life. While some of the transitions have been harder than others, there’s no doubt that online learning has been a challenge; whether it be the lack of access to internet/technology or students just not logging in, it hasn’t been easy for most students. However, as time goes by, both HVS families and staff seem to be working out the kinks and quirks of online schooling. Superintendent Dr. Paul Salah said, “Our team has been working around the clock since March to prepare for the 2020-2021 school year. We have been focused on problem-solving, finding solutions, and preparing for circumstances that we didn’t even know we would encounter.”
One question this could spark is, how will this affect the school year during the unpredictable Michigan winter? Snow days are not an unfamiliar thing schools face. Could it be more efficient to do online school during these days when we are not able to be in the classroom? Teacher David Browne has his doubts, stating, “I don’t think this online platform eliminates snow days or weather days, especially if you figure that those days are prone to power and internet outages, which are two things you’d have to have for online learning.” On the opposing hand, Sophomore Mason Nelson thinks it could be a reasonable option: “Even though we’re not able to go to the school because of the weather, we could still learn at home,” he said.
Although the idea of being able to do the schooling online when there are complications seems ideal, the likelihood of that happening could be slim. “Snow days are not as easy to move to online without having time to plan accordingly, and whether we have snow days or not will depend upon the phase our state is in and the model we have in place for teaching and learning,” Salah explained.
So, will virtual leaning be the death of snow days? The answer is… who knows? The future is truly a mystery when considering factors such as what Governor Whitmer decides and the state our district is in. What we can be sure of is that this situation we are in has been life-altering for all, from adjusting to hybrid learning to the at-home effects it has had.