Advice to underclassmen, from soon-to-be graduates
Many of Milford’s graduating seniors have grown up together, bonding and creating memories for years. Shown above are some (now) MHS seniors during their freshman year on Halloween (Photo courtesy of Joe Antrim).
May 25, 2021
The long hours of high school lectures and classroom discussions, in addition to homework and extracurriculars, can be grueling. These ventures test one’s perseverance and offer plentiful opportunities for growth during the four years spent at MHS.
Regardless, high school experiences create lasting memories of time spent with peers, exploring what it means to become a young adult.
The time spent at Milford impacts students long after graduation, and provides them with a foundation to continue lifelong learning–so, how can underclassmen make the most of it?
Though grades do not determine a person’s worth, they do have the potential to influence a person’s future pursuits–the education and skills acquired in high school establish a base for individuals to pursue their desired careers and interests.
Having good study habits early on is critical to a student’s well-being for the entire four years of high school, as many of the topics taught in freshman and sophomore year are revisited later on.
Additionally, time management and creating a balance between important factors in an individual’s life is vital in maintaining a positive perception of school. “It’s never too late to join a new club, talk to someone new, and make the most out of what you got,” said Senior Clare Miller. “It is so easy to get caught up in the grades and the homework, but just take a moment to relax and enjoy these moments because high school really does go by fast.” Staying active and involved in Milford’s atmosphere makes it easier to feel acclimated with one’s peers and the community as a whole, which can be rewarding long-term.
Experiences and relationships are often more defining in one’s mind than the smaller issues, like a single test or grade in a class. “I used to view grades as being the most important thing and now I realize it’s the people skills and the life lessons I’ve learned that have made me grow as a person,” Senior Grace Sarafa shared. “As an underclassman, get involved in things you are actually passionate about–don’t get involved in things to look good on a resume. Build relationships with your coaches and teachers.”
After living through the good, the bad, and the bizarre of their past four years, the seniors in the Class of 2021 have plenty of insight to share with future upperclassmen.
In particular, many students have learned to emphasize the positive aspects of their educational experiences over the negative, recognizing that dwelling on past misfortunes is not an effective way to spend the brief time students have at MHS. “Everyone is going to fail in something at some point, and that doesn’t make you any less of a person.
It is just a chance to learn, improve, and learn that sometimes defeat is a part of life,” Senior Joe Antrim said. “Now that it’s almost over, I wish there were more points that I stopped always working for the future and enjoyed the present instead.”
High school is a time to try new things, meet new people and engage with one another, maturing through unity and diversity.
Miller advises underclassmen to embrace this idea, despite the apprehension associated with it; being adventurous often pays off.
“I would tell my younger self that those things you found scary or hard were just a breeze and that you should truly step out of your comfort zone more,” Miller shared. “All the things I was scared to do in high school honestly gave me some of the best memories.”
On a final note, Antrim urges underclassmen to make the most of their unique experience, and make an effort to enjoy the time they have at this school, and with these people. “Slow down and enjoy the moment you are in,” he said. “It was so overwhelming when I first got here, but now I feel like I have really found my place and everything is so much more comfortable. For any freshman, hang in there–it just takes time.”