Makayla Woolhiser reaches new heights on the slopes
Woolhiser having fun at Alpine Valley when she was six years old (All photo courtesy of Nicole Woolhiser).
March 24, 2022
Makayla Woolhiser is an incredibly decorated athlete, participating in both the varsity mountain bike team and ski team. She is an all-conference ski racer and made three state championship appearances during her time at Milford. Along with these incredible accomplishments, Woolhiser is taking her passion for skiing to a new level: Woolhiser became certified ski patrol, following in her dad’s footsteps. Her dad, Chris, joined the ski patrol in 2013, while Makayla participated in the patch program at Alpine Valley, where she learned to perfect her recreational skiing. Makayla also grew up in the Mini Patrol.
Makayla began skiing at just five years old with her mom, dad and sister. From those first few moments at Alpine Valley, it became one of her favorite hobbies. “Makayla just never wanted to come inside even when her hair was frozen and her gloves were wet,” said Chris.
“I grew up in the community and I had a bad ski accident where the ski patrollers helped me get to further care, so it all kind of led me in that direction.” said Makayla, when asked how she got involved. Her dad has said that she would watch the patrol do their drills, and sometimes even train with the trainees.
Makayla’s ski patrol training began in the spring of 2021, with OEC (Outdoor Emergency Care). She completed her certification in OEC in August 2021. The next step was the toboggan portion, which she completed this past winter, and was fully jacketed and certified on February 20th, 2022.
“Now that she is an equal on the Ski Patrol, (it) makes me very proud to share what I’ve learned on a more personal level,” said Chris.
Looking into the future, Makayla plans to move out west for college. She would like to eventually patrol out there. She also plans on furthering her certifications in order to get an avalanche dog.
Above all of this though, “My favorite part is the skiing of course, but also the variety of people you meet is awesome,” Makayla said. “Everyone has different backgrounds and cool life stories.”

(Nicole Woolhiser)