Fall in love with reading with the book club

Book club sponsor Kelsey Breen (left) and book club President Angelina Maruskin (right) with the September book (Photos by Alexis Cornett).

Alexis Cornett, Editor in Chief

Biology class may seem like an odd place to be thinking about books, but that is exactly where Milford High School’s brand new book club was first inspired. Seniors Angelina Maruskin and Lily Gatesman, the President and Vice President of the book club respectively, were discussing the garden club in Biology when they came up with a way to share their love of reading with the Milford community.

“Right after we talked about that, we were in biology,” Maruskin said. “I had Mrs. Breen my next hour so I immediately went to Mrs. Breen. I’m like ‘Mrs. Breen, can you sponsor us if we do a book club?’ She’s like, ‘of course.’”

The Milford Book Club members meet after school on the second Tuesday of each month to discuss their selected monthly read. This allows around four weeks to complete the book chosen. “It’s very casual and laid back,” Maruskin said. “We just want people to be able to do what they love to do and be able to do it with people in our community.” A book club at Milford has not been in existence during the last five years.

Kelsey Breen is the former librarian at Milford High School and sponsor of the new book club. “I’m excited to see so many students wanting to read outside of school for fun,” Breen said. “I think it’s important. I think it’s a great program.”

Breen attests to the sheer joy that one finds in reading and sharing that love with others. “I’ve loved to read since I was little,” Breen said “And because of that I went through and became a librarian, but I love that I can still support my students in the classrooms, finding books and supporting their extracurricular reading as well.”

More information for the book club can be found Milford Book Club’s Instagram page – @milfordhs_bookclub.

The book club provides the perfect environment for book lovers and those who are just beginning their reading journey. “I joined the book club because I just really enjoy reading,” Junior Victoria Adams said. “I think it’s fun that Milford created a book club just for people to get together and just talk about books.”

“I joined because I’ve kind of been in a reading slump,” Junior Katie Shatney said. “So I feel like this would really motivate me to start reading again.”

With a large turnout for its first meeting, the book club has many enthusiastic new members. “I’m most excited to hear other people’s thoughts on books that I have read and like, see how our thoughts compare,” Shatney said.

The first two book selections, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and It Ends With Us, have recently gained national recognition thanks to an unlikely source – Tik Tok. Dubbed “booktok” by its followers, the book-themed clips and videos have led to cult followings of several books, series and authors.

The book club’s October pick, It Ends With Us, is one example of such a popular book.

“I’ve not been reading as long as [Angelina] but when I read It Ends With Us, I just liked the different perspectives,” Gatesman said. “Stories can pull you in and… [It Ends With Us] shows a perspective that you never think you would be in and really draws you into the characters and really connects you.”

A passion for reading outside of the classroom can be one of the most enjoyable experiences in life. “I love feeling like I’m being pulled into a different universe,” Maruskin said. “If I’m reading a really good book, I can get lost in the words for hours and I won’t even realize it and I’m just like, reading and reading and then I’m like, ‘Oh my gosh, it’s over.’”

Milford’s book club meets after school on the second Tuesday of each month.

In the future, the book club is looking to expand with movie events, monthly snacks and discussions.

In a special partnership with the Milford Book Club, the Milford Messenger is excited to be the first to reveal the November book club pick: It Starts With Us.

All of the information for upcoming dates, books and events can be found on the Milford Book Club’s Instagram page – @milfordhs_bookclub. The Milford Book Club’s next meeting will be Tuesday, Nov. 15 in room 601.