Meet Milford’s new varsity choir members
Bethany Stewart and Hana Scripture in their first weeks of Choraleers.
November 2, 2022
Milford High School has a long-standing tradition of legendary show choirs, and they have always found a way to showcase their talent. With every year that passes, the seats of our varsity choirs move to the next generation of students, and with the graduation of the class of 2022, the bright-eyed recruits started this year off in Choraleers or Center Stage. Some of Milford Choir’s up-and-coming stars are looking forward to the year ahead.
Milford’s varsity choirs are always looking for new members. Whether it be a senior in their first year of varsity choir or a sophomore who has three years ahead of them – the more the merrier. This year, 15 new members are joining.
There are two audition-only show choirs: Choraleers and Center Stage. Choraleers is the all-girls choir. This year, there are 13 Choraleers, a number that will hopefully grow in the following years. Center Stage is a mixed gender choir of 20 members. These choirs have been separated for many years in the past, but this year there is hope to work together more as one varsity program.
Junior Charlie Allinder is a homeschooled student who comes to Milford during the day solely for Center Stage. “It was just too good of an opportunity to pass up to be able to meet new people and see people I already know and be able to do what I love,” Allinder said.
Being homeschooled brings many social challenges, but Allinder has done exactly that and seems to have found his calling in the group and the Varsity Choirs can’t wait to share the spotlight with him this year.
Sophomore Hana Scripture is one of the Choraleers’ newest members. “I’m really excited for all the performances, and definitely all the bonding I’m gonna do with my choir,” Scripture said. Her passion for singing and dancing made her want to join. “I thought it’d be a great opportunity to meet new friends and pursue something that I really love to do,” she said.
This year, Scripture is involved in not only Choraleers, but Milford Theatre Company’s White Christmas. After diving in this year and immersing herself in the program, she is a shining light of positivity and exactly the kind of person that thrives in the vocal music program.
New members aren’t always Sophomores. “It always seemed so fun to do,” Senior Austin Matlis said about joining Center Stage for the first time. “…And I think being a part of something bigger has always been very appealing to me.” Matlis is looking forward to his Varsity Choir Debut in this year’s holiday concert.
Matlis has been active in Milford’s Theatre Department since his freshman year, and joined choir last year. He did a year of concert choir, then auditioned for Center Stage last year. He got a taste of what was to come with the 2022 Senior Showcase, where he took part in Center Stage’s “Faith.”
Some members in the varsity choirs are contributing to a family legacy. Whether it be a parent that was in Milford’s choirs when they were in high school, or a sibling currently or previously involved in the choirs, it’s quite common for members to have these enduring connections
Choraleer Sophomore Bethany Stewart is an example of this. Her older sister, Alise, was a Choraleer too, so she was destined for the program. Stewart shared that she is “excited for the POPS season.” Having an older sibling who has already been through the program, in many cases, can be difficult, but Stewart seems to be paving her own path in a most auspicious manner and Choraleers is so lucky to have her.
With the new generation of varsity choir students coming in, the choir program is delighted to have a brand new sound that has never before graced the Milford High School stage for this year’s biggest performance: POPS 2023. To see the premiere of Milford’s Varsity Choirs, the holiday concert is free admission on December 14, 2022. This performance is a collection of numerous holiday songs that will be entertaining to a diverse audience.