As people get older and gain more responsibilities, it becomes more difficult to feel the holiday spirit. For some, it can be more of a chore rather than a fun activity, not to mention having the stress of deciding what to get family and friends for the holiday.
Those who are Christmas lovers – the “before-Thanksgiving decorators” — never seem to have trouble celebrating and getting excited about the holiday season. So how does one feel the joy and anticipation that is supposed to come with the holidays? Follow the tips below if you want your heart to grow three sizes and end those Grinchy moods.
Start making your Christmas list early: It goes without saying: everyone loves getting new items–clothes, shoes, new gadgets, or any other present. This is why it’s so crucial to prepare a list of gifts you might want to receive to get yourself ready for the Christmas season, and perhaps inspire you to do other festive activities.
Shop on Black Friday: Going shopping the day after Thanksgiving is the perfect time to buy presents for family and friends, so you can get items for cheaper than normal. You can get all the shopping done early, so when December rolls around, you don’t have to handle the stress of getting last-minute gifts and spending lots of money. It’s a win-win.
Decorate around the house: Forget about the rule of having to decorate for Christmas after Thanksgiving! Start decorating whenever you feel motivated, and make sure there are lots of lights involved, as those captivate the eye. Truline Painting, Inc. stated “Christmas decorating will spike dopamine, a feel-good hormone,” due to the bright colors of the lights, it’s known as chromotherapy, when colors can directly impact your brain chemistry that can bring harmony in one’s health.
Take a walk in downtown Milford: Milford’s community embellishes the town extraordinarily with the lights, decorations, and music. Just taking a walk through the town when the lights get put up can get anyone pumped and excited for the holidays.
Invest in festive pajamas: During the winter in Michigan, it’s very easy to stay inside, bundled up and warm all day, so why not add to this cozy vibe by purchasing fuzzy, holiday pajamas? You can even buy matching ones with your friends to watch the classic Christmas movies together.
Watch the movie “Elf” in theater: The famous Christmas movie “Elf,” starring Will Ferrell, returns to theaters on Nov. 17 for the film’s 20th anniversary. This movie is a must-watch every year during Christmastime, and it’s even better this year since people can experience it again in theaters. Text your friends, wear your holiday pajamas, and go watch this movie for the ultimate Christmas experience.
Bake some holiday goodies: If you’re looking for something to do with your friends, significant other, or even if you’re bored by yourself, baking is a great way to pass the time and enjoy yummy treats.
Some popular holiday treats are: gingerbread cookies, shortbread cookies, peppermint bark, or a plain sugar cookie where you can decorate it yourself with frosting.
Build a gingerbread house: It’s very inexpensive and easy to get a gingerbread house kit from any grocery store, and the kit includes everything you need to build a gingerbread house. To make it even more fun, you can initiate a competition between your family or friends to see who can make the best house.
Enjoy the snow: No one can ever be too old to play in the snow. Find any hill and go sledding, or drive to a winter facility to go snowboarding/skiing. Even having a snowball fight could be fun – try getting your neighbors to join, or have them help you make a snowman.
The holiday season is only so short, but can be so memorable every year, so make the season worth it. It will be January before you know it, and you’ll have to wait another 365 days to celebrate the holidays again, so make this season stand out, try to top your holiday spirit every year, cherish each day before it becomes a distant memory. Try out some of these fun winter activities and have an amazing holiday!