The AP test

Nathan Grigereit, staff writer

For many students, May is going to be one of the hardest months of the year. Those students will be taking their AP tests.

An AP class is a class that is at a college level and can be worth college credits. To get college credit students must get at least a three out of five on the test. Even then only a few colleges accept a three, most large colleges accept at least a four and higher level colleges, like Ivy league schools, only accept fives.

What happens if you don’t pass the test? Mr.Eichbauer, an AP US History teacher, says that “Even if you don’t pass the test you still achieve something greater”. He also says that, if you don’t pass the test you’re taking a college level class and you should be proud about that. Eichbauer also says that you may not pass the test, but if you get an A or a B in the class then it still looks good, because it’s still a college class.

He has some tips for students who will be taking the APUSH test or any AP test in general. He suggests that you purchase an AP test book to study. He also suggests you should follow the basic framework of the course when studying and when you’re studying and taking the test you shouldn’t be stressed.

“I don’t know what is on the test, but I would say you should study periods five through eight, because they are the biggest and most important.” Says Mr. Eichbauer. Because of the importance of the test and the time put into making it, he doesn’t actually know what is on the test. While he says you should focus on periods five through eight, he says that you should still know the other periods as well.