- Babies are precious. Say “no” to Abortion!
1.3 million babies are killed each year due to abortion. Abortion is the process of terminating a human pregnancy. In 1973, the case of Roe v. Wade decided that women have the right to an abortion by the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment. It must be performed during the first two trimesters (a period of three months) of pregnancy. According to the fourteenth amendment, these due process rights do not apply to the unborn.
I believe that abortion is a crime.
How exactly does a baby form? A baby forms during conception. Only four weeks after conception- a baby is rapidly developing; eyes, ears, and a respiratory system. After just seven weeks, a human baby has a heartbeat. As far as i’m concerned, killing something with a beating heart is murder.
The governor of Michigan (Rick Snyder) has recently signed new laws regarding abortion that will help to further protect the rights of all pregnant women. It helps ensure that women are not being forced into getting an abortion. This law also requires all physicians to “properly and respectfully dispose of fetal remains.” I personally believe that it would be more respectful to allow all humans, born or unborn, life.
Snyder states his opinion on abortion, “This bill respects a woman’s right to choose while helping protect her health and safety, including making sure a pregnant person is not being coerced into a decision.” Opposers of the new law think it will hurt women in poor or “low-income” areas, and cause some abortion clinics in Michigan to close. This new law could force people who provide abortions to tear down their clinics and rebuild, or to end abortion once and for all.
“I’ve noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born,” quoted Ronald Reagan. I think it’s inhumane to have an abortion. Abortion is ending a life that you’ve created; a life that’s meant to be lived. The main reasons why women consider abortion? Relationship problems, financial instability, pressure from others, or child health problems. Sometimes women consider abortion after being raped, but this is not a common reason for abortion.
If your pregnancy was’t planned, then take “The Pill.” This pill is a birth control that is prescribed through a doctor. “The Pill” is technically a type of abortion, but it’s a lot less harmful. I honestly wouldn’t even consider this abortion, if used immediately after conception. This pill should not be taken until a doctor has confirmed the pregnancy. I believe this is the only acceptable way to terminate pregnancy because it kills the fetus before it has enough time to fully develop.
There are many life-long effects from having an abortion. Depression can result from an abortion after the woman realizes she killed her fetus. Some women regret having an abortion. Other women may use drugs/alcohol to cope with the negative feelings about the decision they’ve made. Suicidal thoughts, a sense of worthlessness, and stress are also negative effects from having an abortion.
Some women are able to easily recover from ending their pregnancy. especially if their pregnancy is unwanted or unplanned. Having an abortion will not fix all problems, such as the opinions other people may have about you. Some people live the rest of their life in regret after having an abortion, so it’s important to precisely consider all consequences first.
Let’s take a stand to end abortion once and for all!