Tudor Dixon: Leading Michigan back on the right track
Dixon on stage at Michigan state convention with running mate Shane Hernandez (Photo courtesy of Midland News).
November 2, 2022
Republican Gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon has a vision to improve every Michigander’s quality of life after the current Governor Gretchen Whitmer ran Michigan into the ground during her four years in office. Dixon promises to improve education, create a flourishing economy and reduce crime in her drive to get Michigan back on the right track.

Dixon is a mom of four young girls and is dedicated to improving the education of students in Michigan. One way she plans to do this is by distributing tutoring certificates to fund 25 hours of small group tutoring for all students. These tutoring sessions would focus on advancing students’ reading and math skills, which are vital to helping them succeed. This funding would come from some of the $6 billion in federal COVID Relief Funding given to the states to help kids catch up after the severe learning loss due to COVID-19 lockdown policies.
Also within the schools, Dixon enforces the preservation of parents’ rights. While many people believe that this is to enforce more of a conservative ideology in the schools, the true goal of enforcing parental rights is to allow parents to be informed of what their children are learning about at school. Dixon plans to require schools to post all curriculum and teaching materials online to allow parents to review what their children are being taught.
Because of this principle, Milford Senior Jacob Peck finds her to be a favorable pick for governor and supports her decision to bring a bill similar to Florida’s “Parent’s Right in Education Law” to Michigan. Florida’s House Bill 1467, known as “Parent’s Right in Education Law” requires administrators to post curriculum materials online, just as Dixon plans to do in Michigan.
In addition to improvements within the schools, Dixon is looking to protect girls’ sports teams within schools. She plans on banning transgender students from playing in school-sanctioned, gender-specific sports teams where they would have a biological advantage. “As a mother of four girls, nothing infuriates me more than the prospect of my daughters or their friends and teammates losing opportunities, scholarships or championships in sports or otherwise because some radically progressive politicians decided one day that they should have to compete against biological men,” Dixon stated on her campaign website (www.tudordixon.com). “Gretchen Whitmer has embraced the trans-supremacist ideology which dictates that individuals who are born as men be allowed to compete against our girls. Men and women are different biologically. It is both science and common sense. We are not afraid to say it and we aren’t afraid to do something about it. And as Governor, I will demand fairness in women’s sports.”

Protecting girls’ sports is a non-negotiable stance because of the unfairness observed towards girls when biological boys are allowed to compete with them. This was clearly seen in Lia Thomas’ story as Thomas won an NCAA Division-I national championship in the 500-yard freestyle. After bouncing from a ranking of #462 as a male to #1 as a female, Thomas faced retaliation because of the unfair advantage over other biologically female swimmers.
Dixon’s decision in protecting girls’ sports is very important to Milford voters such as Senior Brionna Gibson. “There is scientific evidence that even with a reduction in testosterone levels and hormone therapy, male-to-female transgender athletes retain physical advantages in their bodies, which essentially makes it unfair for other women competing with them in their respective sports,” Gibson said. “As a female athlete who plays sports, I work hard in practicing, and knowing that a transgender athlete who is biologically stronger and faster puts me at a disadvantage. Why would I want to train and give it my all when we are not competing on a fair playing field?” This protection of girls’ sports would create a level of equal opportunity for girls competing in sports.
Dixon is not only a mother but a businesswoman who built a career in Michigan’s steel industry beginning in the early 2000s at Michigan Steel. She quickly became a leader in the field and was honored as “Medalcasting’s Next Generation” by the trade magazine Foundry Management & Technology. She also proved herself a leader when she served as Chairwoman of the Steel Founders Society of America’s Future Leaders Committee. As an experienced businesswoman, Dixon realized the damage that Whitmer’s lockdown policies did to the economy for working-class families. Dixon realized that she needed to fight back against Whitmer directly and entered the race for governor.
Her background in business and the promise of an improvement of our economy after pandemic policies crushed our economy is significant to many Michigan voters. “Whitmer deserves life in jail for her pandemic policies and the abuse of mandates,” Peck said. “[Dixon] has a more favorable background, having worked in the steel industry.” Peck supports Dixon’s plans on improving Michigan’s once flourishing economy by reducing personal income taxes, creating a state-level plan to expose students to the trades and making Michigan open to business.
Finally, the most controversial of Dixon’s stances is her pro-life ideology. This stance is backed by Michigan’s Right to Life chairman Paul Miller. “Dixon is a strong pro-life leader who possesses the ability to lead Michigan towards being a life-affirming state,” according to Miller. “Right to Life of MI is excited to work towards the election of Tudor Dixon as Michigan’s next governor.” This would be an exciting step towards the needed ban on abortion in Michigan, and Milford Senior Jacie Remtema agrees. “I support [Dixon’s] stance because it represents how all life is important and should be valued,” she said.
Overall, Tudor Dixon is the right choice for Michigan and the best-suited candidate for making a much-anticipated change in our state. Vote for Tudor Dixon this Nov. 8.