Every Starbuck’s lover knows that the fall drinks can be superior. Starbucks is famous in the fall time for their pumpkin cream cold foam and pumpkin spice latte, but that’s not the only drinks they have for the fall. So, I had to review all the drinks to rank them from best to worst, and to give the best ratings, I got three people to rate each drink.
Pumpkin cream iced chai latte (far left) – This was a new drink this season, and it did not disappoint. This is my favorite drink out of all the fall items, and I’m not the only one who thinks this way. Senior Alyssa Sienko and I both rated this drink a 10/10. Senior Kayla Hulswitt was on a similar page giving the drink a 9/10 as she thinks coffee is better than chai.
Pumpkin cream cold foam cold brew (middle left) – This is another popular fall drink, and this one surprised me how good it was. This drink was Hulswitt’s favorite out of all the ones we had, Sienko ranked this one below the iced chai, and I ranked it third out of the four we tried. This was definitely tasted the most like coffee, but overall a great choice.
Iced apple crisp oat milk shaken espresso (middle right) – Unanimously this drink was the worst one by far. The oat milk stood out a lot, and tasted like sink water, but the after taste wasn’t the worst. We all put this drink at the end because it just wasn’t the most enjoyable compared to the other drinks.
Iced pumpkin spice latte (far right) – This drink is probably the most known, and very popular. It’s the perfect mixture of pumpkin with coffee. We all enjoyed this, Hulswitt and I both ranked this drink as our 2nd out of the four, Sienko ranked this 3rd, but really no complaints, it’s also fun having the whipped cream on top.
Pumpkin cream cheese muffin (middle) – Starbuck’s has a few fall food items, but we only decided to try their muffin. Overall the muffin was good, if you like pumpkin this would be a good option, the only flaw we had was there was a lot of cream cheese, more than what was needed but still enjoyable.