Iceland Trip for AP Environmental Students
Capital of Iceland, Reykjavik
January 8, 2020
At the end of each year, the APES (AP Environmental Science) class takes a trip to somewhere around the world. This course is an advanced course with the purpose of helping students learn in depth about environmental science. The decision for this year’s trip has been decided and it’s going to be Iceland, which is an island in the North Atlantic.
So what kind of experience could this trip bring the attendees? According to APES Teacher Stephanie Crow, she hopes that every student who decides to embark upon this trip garners this bit of knowledge, “I would love for the students to appreciate the uniqueness of the country, and how it uses its geological location to be as environmentally stable as it is. Almost all of the energy used comes from geothermal and hydroelectric power.”This would be Crow’s first international trip with a group of students. One of the most passionate people about the environment, Crow says, “I love to talk about the environment because it’s something that we all use every day. People should appreciate the beauty of nature and keep it as safe and healthy as possible.” . The trip will occur towards the end of the year, but specific dates will come out in February.
Iceland has many natural and environmental wonders throughout the country, and attending this trip gives an opportunity to see some of the most breathtaking sights along with learn more about environmental science. It has various geological wonders, and is commonly known as “The Land of Fire and Ice” This island features some of the largest glaciers in all of Europe and some of the most active volcanoes in the world, which the students will be visiting.
Kiersten Tokarczyk, Junior, has made the decision to attend the Iceland trip. “I am so excited for this trip to Iceland, because I want to see the world and experience different cultures. Also going to Iceland has always been an item on my bucket list.” The students are scheduled to do many activities over the course of 6 days, such as going to museums, visiting natural wonders, and immersing themselves in nature. “I’m most looking forward to hiking to glaciers and waterfalls” said Tokarczyk about the activity which she was most excited about. “I’m hoping to get a life experience as well as an educational experience from this trip along with memories that will last a lifetime” she said when reflecting on the ideal takeaway of this opportunity.

Though the class as a whole may prove to be challenging for some, this course ultimately gives a greater appreciation for the environment and our planet as one unit. Annabel Williamson, Junior, elaborated on how APES has changed her perspective as a whole, “APES has taught me about the effect that we as humans have on the planet and the environment as a whole, and has made me realize the greater importance of appreciating and caring for the planet.” Overall, this course and this trip to Iceland aims to be an unforgettable educational experience for all who embark into either.