Magical from star to skirt, the various ornaments on the tree gleam with spirit as golden string lights emanate the Christmas joy, waiting to lend its happiness to anyone who may look. Households have long debated over whether artificial or real trees are the better choice. With over 94 million people displaying trees, around 84% of those are artificial (according to While this is a clear testament to the popularity of plastic trees, are they truly all they’re cracked up to be?
Though there are many pros and cons to owning either type of Christmas tree. Where one person may consider a benefit, another might consider it a drawback. For example, there is an authentic tree’s smell, which is perceived differently with various individuals; some seeing it as a nostalgic connection to Christmas, others disliking it for its overpowering strength. Another point of preference is the experiences people get from chopping down the trees. Some believe it is essential for their Christmas time fun, others may see it as a chilly burden.
The individual opinions of real tree aspects may vary, but there are also many statistical factors to consider including the waste caused by natural trees. According to, there is around a 3.5kg carbon footprint per real tree, if they are disposed of via wood chipping (the most common way) or burning; though, there are different ways to scrap real trees since they decompose, including recycling, composite programs, and mulching. On the other hand, according to, artificial trees are not biodegradable and have a larger carbon footprint when thrown away. However, since artificial trees can be reused for many years, they offer a longer-term solution. Overall, the perfect type of tree to purchase comes down to what each household wants and what Christmas tree makes their holiday more jolly.