The class of 2025 seniors is bringing back a beloved tradition to support the women’s basketball team. The 6th woman is a student run group that originated in college sports but has been passed down to high schoolers in recent years. The group has not been at Milford high school since the class of 2022 but the class of 2025 has acknowledged the issue of the amount of fans at boys sports vs girls sports in high school. 6th woman is a way to shine light onto high school women’s sports. The 6th woman is a great way to gather a bigger group to the women’s games. Six senior girls are traveling with the girls team as their personal support system. The girls team showed thei

r gratitude for our support to the team. Senior captain Macy Jenkins states, “The team is really going to appreciate it and it will boost our confidence by having fans and friends at the game to cheer us on!”. This shows how much having a support system has an affect on the athletes mental health and adrenaline during games. Sophomore captain Ryleigh Johnston is excited to finally have a support system from her classmates. She stated last year the only game there was a student section was at the Lakeland game which can make the girls team feel emotional and not supported but bringing back 6th woman is an attempt to fix this feeling. As a member of the 6th woman, Senior Kate Kelly states “it is a great feeling to be a part of something bigger than myself, and I love being able to support my friends and bring back the tradition of supporting women’s basketball”. The basketball season is starting on an amazing note, they dominate the Fenton Tigers at the first away game with a score of 63 Milford and 26 Fenton. Freshman Ashlyn Lutz led the team with the most points scored replacing many beloved lost seniors from the year prior. The 6th woman plans to travel with the lady mavs to Walled Lake Northern and cheer them on with hopes for another win!